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Preparing for Academic Teaching Positions

Wednesday, March 30, 1-2 p.m.


This session focuses on preparing students for finding and applying to academic teaching positions. Students will receive advice on understanding the job market and navigating the job search process, as well as tips on securing teaching-related opportunities as a graduate student.


Presenter: Melanie Doyle, Educational Developer (Graduate Student Teaching Development),  Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning




Offered by Memorial University’s Enhanced Development of the Graduate Experience (EDGE): https://www.mun.ca/edge/Workshops__Events/Workshops_Events_Cal/index.php 

Presented by School of Graduate Studies

Event Listing 2022-03-30 13:00:00 2022-03-30 14:00:00 America/St_Johns Preparing for Academic Teaching Positions This session focuses on preparing students for finding and applying to academic teaching positions. Students will receive advice on understanding the job market and navigating the job search process, as well as tips on securing teaching-related opportunities as a graduate student.   Presenter: Melanie Doyle, Educational Developer (Graduate Student Teaching Development),  Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning   REGISTER   Offered by Memorial University’s Enhanced Development of the Graduate Experience (EDGE): https://www.mun.ca/edge/Workshops__Events/Workshops_Events_Cal/index.php  Online School of Graduate Studies