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Psychology Career Talk

Monday, March 4, 12-1 p.m.


Psychology alumni who are working in the industry will present to students about their current careers and how they navigated their job search. Since many jobs are not publicly advertised, networking is a major factor for students and graduates in finding jobs and careers!
Pizza provided for lunch!
Learn more about the presenters and register through the QR code below or visiting the following link:https://crm.stuaff.mun.ca/eventspublic.htm?eventId=2009


Presented by Student Life

Event Listing 2024-03-04 12:00:00 2024-03-04 13:00:00 America/St_Johns Psychology Career Talk Psychology alumni who are working in the industry will present to students about their current careers and how they navigated their job search. Since many jobs are not publicly advertised, networking is a major factor for students and graduates in finding jobs and careers! Pizza provided for lunch! Learn more about the presenters and register through the QR code below or visiting the following link:https://crm.stuaff.mun.ca/eventspublic.htm?eventId=2009   UC-4002 Student Life