r Research Week: Marine Conservation Areas Team Presentation
Friday, Nov. 24, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
Hampton Hall, Marine Institute
As part of Research Week, join the Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research’s Marine Conservation Areas team to explore life at sea and monitoring activities in marine conservation areas (MCA) offshore NL.
The team, along with collaborators from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, were collectively engaged in offshore monitoring activities for approximately 65 days in 2023 in areas such as Hawke Channel, Funk Island Deep, Laurentian Channel and 3O Coral Closures. We’ll provide background, methodology and early results, as well as a discussion on eDNA technology and a look at our at-sea blog which chronicled their adventures this summer.
A new charter is currently collecting monitoring data towards new MCA area establishments on the South Coast Fjords. Join the presentation as there’ll be a live stream check in with the at-sea science crew currently at-sea.
Presented by Marine Institute, School of Fisheries