Reducing Food Insecurity: What Will It Take?
Wednesday, March 22, 7-9 p.m.
IIC-2001, Bruneau Centre for Research and Innovation
The Faith Elizabeth Winifred (Rusted) Bayley Public Lecture
With Dr. Valerie Tarasuk
University of Toronto
Drawing on evidence from research in Canada and Newfoundland and Labrador, in particular, Dr. Tarasuk will try to address 5 key questions: Who is food insecure in this country and why? Why is food insecurity such a serious problem here? What does the evidence tell us about the effectiveness of our current responses to this problem? What would it take to move the needle on this problem?
Dr. Tarasuk’s primary research focus is household food insecurity. Over a career spanning almost 30 years, she has led several studies into the scope, nature, and health implications of this problem in Canada, assessing the effectiveness of community responses, and determining the effects of public policies and programs on food insecurity rates.
Dr. Tarasuk is a professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto and is cross-appointed to the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.
Presented by Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science