Relationships First N.L. Summer Institute 2023
Wednesday, Aug. 30, 9-5 a.m.
Whale Atrium, Core Science Building
RFNL’s Summer Institute 2023: Connecting, Empowering, Achieving, & Creating Restorative Justice in Education will take place on August 30 & 31, 2023! This year’s Institute will be offered in-person (with online access) in the breathtaking Whale Atrium (in Memorial University’s Core Science Building).
The RFNL Summer Institute is for anyone who is interested in restorative justice in education and everyone who is interested in putting relationships first. For more information and to see our incredible list of presenters see our website (
Register now to secure your place at RFNL’s Summer Institute 2023! The fee to register is $150 and we are offering special rates for school teams of staff + administrators.
We can’t wait to see you!
Presented by Relationships First Newfoundland and Labrador