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Respectful Workplace Policy

Monday, June 6, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.


This session is for any employee looking to gain a deeper understanding of the Respectful Workplace Policy. The session includes an overview of guiding principles, latest legislation, definition of harassment, and the process for bringing forward concerns. If you require accommodations, such as ASL interpreting or real-time captioning, please email equity@mun.ca.

Presenters: Michael Kielly and Roxanne Jackson

To register, email mjkielly@mun.ca

For information on other HR sessions being offered this week, please click here.


Presented by Department of Human Resources

Event Listing 2022-06-06 11:00:00 2022-06-06 12:00:00 America/St_Johns Respectful Workplace Policy This session is for any employee looking to gain a deeper understanding of the Respectful Workplace Policy. The session includes an overview of guiding principles, latest legislation, definition of harassment, and the process for bringing forward concerns. If you require accommodations, such as ASL interpreting or real-time captioning, please email equity@mun.ca. Presenters: Michael Kielly and Roxanne Jackson To register, email mjkielly@mun.ca For information on other HR sessions being offered this week, please click here.   Online Department of Human Resources