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Rita Onah PhD Proposal Defence

Friday, May 7, 1-2 p.m.


Topic The Archaeology of Resilience

 This research is both essential and rewarding for contemporary Indigenous communities who need to make renewed connection with our own history, and to repair connections to the past that have been severed by colonialism.


How to Access Webex Meeting

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Meeting number (access code): 132

228 1708

Meeting password: PAtuhe4HV44

*Google Chrome/Firefox/Safari should work

Presented by Department of Archaeology

Event Listing 2021-05-07 13:00:00 2021-05-07 14:00:00 America/St_Johns Rita Onah PhD Proposal Defence Topic The Archaeology of Resilience  This research is both essential and rewarding for contemporary Indigenous communities who need to make renewed connection with our own history, and to repair connections to the past that have been severed by colonialism. ONLINE ONLY How to Access Webex Meeting Type/copy this link into your web browser*: https://mun.webex.com/mun/j.php?MTID=mbdd8236c96f773de55da6ee5f4097df8 Meeting number (access code): 132 228 1708 Meeting password: PAtuhe4HV44 *Google Chrome/Firefox/Safari should work Online Department of Archaeology Add to Calendar