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Seven Things To Do Before and During the Job Search

Wednesday, May 31, 12-1 p.m.

Fourth floor, University Centre, Career Development

There are several things to do before starting a job search such as networking, content creation, and knowing your personal brand and values.
There are also several things to do while on the job search, such as value alignment, interview prep, delivering an elevator pitch, and more.

Attend this workshop to learn about current best practices and tactics to carry out a successful job search.

Presenter: Mher Mardoyan, Employer Development Coordinator

Register here: https://crm.stuaff.mun.ca/events.htm?evtId=1884

Presented by Career Development (Student Life)

Event Listing 2023-05-31 12:00:00 2023-05-31 13:00:00 America/St_Johns Seven Things To Do Before and During the Job Search There are several things to do before starting a job search such as networking, content creation, and knowing your personal brand and values. There are also several things to do while on the job search, such as value alignment, interview prep, delivering an elevator pitch, and more. Attend this workshop to learn about current best practices and tactics to carry out a successful job search. Presenter: Mher Mardoyan, Employer Development Coordinator Register here: https://crm.stuaff.mun.ca/events.htm?evtId=1884 Fourth floor, University Centre, Career Development Career Development (Student Life) Add to Calendar