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Somatic Orientalism and the Indian Body in Empire

Tuesday, March 8, 7:30-9 p.m.


Join MMaP scholar-in-residence Dr. Rumya Putcha (University of Georgia) for this free online talk, part of our Music & Culture Lecture Series.

Focusing on photography of the Indian body under the British and later the U.S. American Empire, this presentation examines how colonial technology cultivated somatic (sensory, bodily, and emotional) forms of Orientalism and in turn established an imperial epistemology—that the Indian body is and was always out of place or time.

Access the event via YouTube livestream or Zoom (Meeting ID: 947 2338 0663; Passcode: 926945).

Presented by Research Centre for the Study of Music, Media and Place (MMaP)

Event Listing 2022-03-08 19:30:00 2022-03-08 21:00:00 America/St_Johns Somatic Orientalism and the Indian Body in Empire Join MMaP scholar-in-residence Dr. Rumya Putcha (University of Georgia) for this free online talk, part of our Music & Culture Lecture Series. Focusing on photography of the Indian body under the British and later the U.S. American Empire, this presentation examines how colonial technology cultivated somatic (sensory, bodily, and emotional) forms of Orientalism and in turn established an imperial epistemology—that the Indian body is and was always out of place or time. Access the event via YouTube livestream or Zoom (Meeting ID: 947 2338 0663; Passcode: 926945). Online Research Centre for the Study of Music, Media and Place (MMaP)