Strategies for Building a High-Performing Team
Wednesday, Feb. 16, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Signal Hill Campus
Strategies for Building a High-Performing Team teaches evidence-based practices that will help teams thrive and improve levels of performance, decision, and idea generation. Participants will examine the benefits and pitfalls to teamwork, and explore the enabling conditions required for teams to excel. Participants will learn what skills and abilities are required for team members to bring to a group setting, and also examine why diversity and psychological safety are critical for effective teamwork. Participants will also example how personality differences and social status influence team dynamics. Using numerous experiential learning exercises, participants will work on their teaming approaches, examining the value of diverse perspectives for group outcomes, and understand some of the approaches required for teams to achieve more than the sum of their individual parts. Participants will also examine the challenges associated with getting team members to make group decisions, and how teams can work effectively with other teams.
Presented by Gardiner Centre