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The Mater is Not Dolorosa: Rewriting the Medea in the 19th Century

Monday, Oct. 23, 4:30-5:30 p.m.


Dr. Julianna Will (Dept. of English, Mount Allison University) is a candidate for a position in the Reception of the Classical World in the Department of Classics.

Presented by Department of Classics

Event Listing 2023-10-23 16:30:00 2023-10-23 17:30:00 America/St_Johns The Mater is Not Dolorosa: Rewriting the Medea in the 19th Century Dr. Julianna Will (Dept. of English, Mount Allison University) is a candidate for a position in the Reception of the Classical World in the Department of Classics. A-1043 Department of Classics Add to Calendar