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Thesis Writing Group In-Person Session No. 2

Thursday, June 13, 2-5 p.m.

St. John's campus

The Writing Center and SGS are pleased to offer the Thesis Writing Group for the Spring/Summer 2024 semesters. If you are working on a Masters or PhD thesis and looking for some dedicated writing time/space sign up for the Thesis Writing Group. There are in-person and online sessions offered across a 6 week period and you are welcome to sign up at any time to join us for a quiet coworking session to help you set aside dedicated writing time to focus on your work. Information about the writing group and specifics about dates and times can be found by following the provided link. Any questions can be directed to the event facilitator, Cherise Ragoonath cragoonath@mun.ca

Register here.

Email will be sent to anyone registered with meeting room ahead of the session.

Presented by The Writing Center

Event Listing 2024-06-13 14:00:00 2024-06-13 17:00:00 America/St_Johns Thesis Writing Group In-Person Session No. 2 The Writing Center and SGS are pleased to offer the Thesis Writing Group for the Spring/Summer 2024 semesters. If you are working on a Masters or PhD thesis and looking for some dedicated writing time/space sign up for the Thesis Writing Group. There are in-person and online sessions offered across a 6 week period and you are welcome to sign up at any time to join us for a quiet coworking session to help you set aside dedicated writing time to focus on your work. Information about the writing group and specifics about dates and times can be found by following the provided link. Any questions can be directed to the event facilitator, Cherise Ragoonath cragoonath@mun.ca Register here. Email will be sent to anyone registered with meeting room ahead of the session. St. John's campus The Writing Center Add to Calendar