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TLX Coffee Break: Get Help with Your Brightspace Grade Book

Thursday, Nov. 25, 10-11 a.m.


CITL is pleased to invite Memorial instructors to our first TLX Coffee Break. The Teaching and Learning Exchange (TLX) is designed as a model classroom, providing instructors access to technology commonly found in the classroom with the added support provided by CITL’s Instructional Designers and Learning Technology Coaches.

During our first coffee break, TLX staff will be prepared to help you review your grade book in preparation for the end of the term. Light refreshments will be available and non-medical masks are required in this space. Visit our website for more information about the TLX.

Presented by CITL

Event Listing 2021-11-25 10:00:00 2021-11-25 11:00:00 America/St_Johns TLX Coffee Break: Get Help with Your Brightspace Grade Book CITL is pleased to invite Memorial instructors to our first TLX Coffee Break. The Teaching and Learning Exchange (TLX) is designed as a model classroom, providing instructors access to technology commonly found in the classroom with the added support provided by CITL’s Instructional Designers and Learning Technology Coaches. During our first coffee break, TLX staff will be prepared to help you review your grade book in preparation for the end of the term. Light refreshments will be available and non-medical masks are required in this space. Visit our website for more information about the TLX. ED-1001 CITL Add to Calendar