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Understanding Modality Transfer in Unistroke Gesture Input Seminar

Tuesday, July 6, 2-3 p.m.


Jay Henderson, University of Waterloo

Faculty candidate seminar

Unistroke gestures are an attractive input method with an extensive research history, but one challenge with their usage is that the gestures are not always self-revealing. To learn these gestures, interaction designers often deploy a guided novice modality — where users can rely on recognizing visual UI elements to perform a gesture command. Once a user knows the gesture and associated command, they can perform it without guidance. In this talk, I will present three pieces of work aimed at understanding skill transfer from guided modalities to novel, or more efficient, methods of interaction — in the case of unistroke gesture input. The first piece investigates whether modality transfer in marking menu gestures is necessary; i.e. do users need to switch to a more efficient modality? The second, evaluates whether users can transfer skills learned in one modality (touch, or surface gestures) to a second modality (mid-air gestures). Lastly, I will present work that leverages users’ existing knowledge of the QWERTY keyboard layout to perform gestural text entry in a new modality for VR or AR head-mounted displays.

Join: https://mun.webex.com/mun/j.php?MTID=m4d5a0c769d3fc10498e5d89c8ae7b375


Presented by Department of Computer Science

Event Listing 2021-07-06 14:00:00 2021-07-06 15:00:00 America/St_Johns Understanding Modality Transfer in Unistroke Gesture Input Seminar Jay Henderson, University of Waterloo Faculty candidate seminar Abstract: Unistroke gestures are an attractive input method with an extensive research history, but one challenge with their usage is that the gestures are not always self-revealing. To learn these gestures, interaction designers often deploy a guided novice modality — where users can rely on recognizing visual UI elements to perform a gesture command. Once a user knows the gesture and associated command, they can perform it without guidance. In this talk, I will present three pieces of work aimed at understanding skill transfer from guided modalities to novel, or more efficient, methods of interaction — in the case of unistroke gesture input. The first piece investigates whether modality transfer in marking menu gestures is necessary; i.e. do users need to switch to a more efficient modality? The second, evaluates whether users can transfer skills learned in one modality (touch, or surface gestures) to a second modality (mid-air gestures). Lastly, I will present work that leverages users’ existing knowledge of the QWERTY keyboard layout to perform gestural text entry in a new modality for VR or AR head-mounted displays. Join: https://mun.webex.com/mun/j.php?MTID=m4d5a0c769d3fc10498e5d89c8ae7b375   Online Department of Computer Science