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‘Trailblazing degree’

Joint business and music fall graduate focused on creativity and community

special feature: Class of 2024

Part of a special feature celebrating and recognizing the Class of 2024 at Memorial.

By Susan White

A fall graduate of business and music thinks the unique program has helped her discover her purpose to create positive change in the world.

Erin Lee wears a pink blouse. She sits at a table with her hands clasped.
Erin Lee is among the first graduates of the joint undergraduate degrees of business and music.
Photo: Rich Blenkinsopp

Erin Lee is part of the first cohort to complete the joint degrees of bachelor of business administration and bachelor of music program.

Launched in 2018, it’s the first program in Canada to combine comprehensive studies in both disciplines.

A lifelong lover of the arts, Ms. Lee says the program is “uniquely positioned,” offering practical skills that help her pursue her passion.

“Business has really helped me understand that social entrepreneurship is a field I feel called to, and I can see it being a huge part of my life going forward,” she said, adding, “I feel better set up because of this degree.”

Active volunteer

At the music school, Ms. Lee studied vocal performance and joined the student society.

She won the Concerto Competition in 2022, the Roberta M. Stephen Memorial Scholarship for outstanding performance of a Canadian art song and the Dorothy and David Peters Scholarship for ability and passion in a concert performance.

At the business school, she qualified for the Dean’s List in 2022 and won the Wendy Hannam Bursary in Business for her university and community involvement.

“I realized everything I’d been doing in high school and my life were basically business processes and strategy and management.” — Erin Lee

She’s been an active volunteer at Memorial University and says her studies have helped her make more of a difference in those roles.

She co-founded the local chapter of Fridays for Future in high school, for example — Fridays for Future is an international climate justice initiative founded by Swedish activist, Greta Thunberg — and discovered that studying business principles helped her make that group’s activities more impactful.

“I found that the more I got into the program, the more I realized everything I’d been doing in high school and my life were basically business processes and strategy and management. It fell perfectly into my life.”

‘Perfect next step’

Ms. Lee is taking her interest in social issues one step further now that she’s finished her degree program.

In August, she moved to Sweden to participate in the 10-month International Youth Initiative Program.

“I’m proud that there is such a trailblazing degree program in Newfoundland and Labrador.” — Erin Lee

The program promotes global awareness and strengthens participants’ capacity to take action ito resolve current global challenges.

“Participating in the course feels like the perfect step in my academic journey as I explore how my future career and choices can serve society and contribute to creating a more equitable world,” she said.

Ms. Lee isn’t certain of her career path but knows she wants to use the skills and knowledge gained at Memorial to make a difference.

“I want to keep music and art and creative expression in my life,” she said. “And I want to work with people and community and address social issues.”

The joint degree program, she believes, will help her do that.

“These two topics go hand-in-hand, and there is a dire need for musicians and artists to have proficient business skills in today’s world. I’m proud there is such a trailblazing degree program in Newfoundland and Labrador.”

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