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Smoking policy updated

Memorial maintaining smoke-free campuses

Campus and Community

By Sandy Woolfrey-Fahey

Memorial’s Board of Regents approved an updated smoking policy on Dec. 2, 2021; the policy originally came into effect in 2013.

The university adopted a smoking policy to align with its commitment to provide a safe, smoke-free environment for its students, faculty and staff and to align with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Smoke-free Environment Act.

Consultation process

Leading up to consultation, a survey on the smoking policy allowed the university community to share feedback and experiences.

Consultation on the revised policy began before the pandemic, but was interrupted due to closures and demands of the pandemic response. Policy consultation reopened in the spring of 2021 and concluded in June.

“We thank everyone who provided feedback during consultation,” said Greg McDougall, Memorial’s chief risk officer. “We were pleased to hear from so many people throughout the process. As we resume more on-campus activity, we know this topic is important to many people.”

Through the consultation, feedback indicated the community wants smoke-free access to building entrances and spaces.

Policy changes

The policy continues to provide guidance for a smoke-free institution on all Memorial campuses.

Revisions to the policy incorporate references to cannabis and electronic cigarettes that were not referenced in the past iterations of the policy. The update also shares information about smoking cessation programs and emphasizes education and promotion of these resources.

Memorial acknowledges policy enforcement has been a challenge in the past and this policy continues to share the importance of compliance. An enforcement procedure to complement the policy is currently under development and will be shared when approved.

“We all have a responsibility for maintaining a safe and healthy campus, as well as supporting respectful campuses,” said Mr. McDougall.

“Respect includes abiding by the smoke-free mandate and also how individuals approach others to remind people of the current policy.”

Encounters with on-campus smoking can be reported using the report feature in the MUN Safe app.

The policy is online.

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