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Labour relations update

Tentative agreements reached with LUMUN and MUNFA

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

As of Jan. 10, 2019, Memorial University has reached tentative agreements with both the Memorial University Faculty Association (MUNFA) and the Lecturers’ Union of Memorial University of Newfoundland (LUMUN).

As a result of meetings on Jan. 9, the university and LUMUN, the union representing per-course instructors, were able to reach a tentative agreement. The next step in the process is for both parties to sign a memorandum of settlement and then LUMUN will bring the tentative agreement to its membership for a vote.

The university and MUNFA, the union representing faculty, met on Jan. 10 and were able to successfully reach a tentative agreement, as well. The next step in that process is for MUNFA to bring the tentative agreement to its membership for a vote.

No details of the tentative agreements will be released until both unions have had an opportunity to conduct their ratification votes.

“I want to thank everyone on both sides of the negotiating table for their hard work in reaching these tentative agreements,” said Dr. Noreen Golfman, provost and vice-president (academic).

“We knew from the start that finding the right balance in these difficult financial circumstances would not be an easy task. Reaching this stage so early in the winter semester provides reassurance to our students that their studies and research will continue uninterrupted.”

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