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Leadership update

Dr. Ian Sutherland appointed president of Mount Allison University

Campus and Community

By Dr. Neil Bose

Dr. Ian Sutherland, vice-president (Grenfell Campus), has advised me that he has accepted an appointment as the next president and vice-chancellor of Mount Allison University in Sackville, N.B., starting July 15, 2024.

Joining Mount Allison in this role is a tremendous opportunity for Dr. Sutherland.

On behalf of everyone at Memorial University, we thank him for his service to Grenfell Campus, the School of Music and the extended Memorial University community over the past eight years.

Since 2016 Dr. Sutherland has taken on new opportunities and stepped up to continue to move Memorial forward, including in a key leadership role in the consultative process to develop our strategic plan, Transforming Our Horizons.

Throughout his work, he has kept students and equity, diversity and inclusion at the forefront of both conversations and actions.

I will be at Grenfell Campus early next week from March 4-5 to consult with the community about the future leadership of Grenfell Campus. I look forward to receiving your input at that time. Further details will be shared shortly.

On a personal note, I look forward to continuing to work with Ian in his new role as president of one of Atlantic Canada’s universities.

Please join me in wishing Dr. Sutherland the very best in this new endeavour.

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