The Department of Human Resources has updated the university’s Staff Handbook for Non-Bargaining Unit Employees.
The handbook has been renamed Guide for Non-Bargaining, Management and Professional, and Senior Administrative Management Employees.
The staff handbook had become outdated and was no longer reflective of current practices,” said Stephen Dodge, director, human resources. “In reviewing the document, we made some general editing changes to increase clarity and we made changes to ensure greater reference and alignment with policies and procedures.”
The guide contains revised language to make it more user friendly and fluid. This includes the removal of language that duplicated university policy language and the provision of links for easy access to the most current, relevant policy.
Job posting language was also updated to reflect the Job Postings Procedures for Management and Non-Bargaining Groups, which were approved by Vice-Presidents Council in 2013. The guide also has greater reference and alignment with the Labour Standards Act.
Mr. Dodge encourages the university community to use the new guide.
“Please replace any copies of the old handbook you may have with this guide. Going forward this document will be reviewed and updated regularly. To ensure you are always using the most up-to-date guide, please refer to the version posted on the HR website.”
To access the new guide, please visit here.