Sept. 30 is Orange Shirt Day and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
This is a time for the Memorial University community to reflect on our history and the legacy of residential schools in this country and in our province.
Labrador and Newfoundland had five residential schools and the legacy of those schools continues to this day.
There were four in the Labrador communities of Cartwright, Makkovik, Nain and Northwest River, and one in the Newfoundland community of St. Anthony.
On Friday, Sept. 27, staff, faculty and students are encouraged to wear orange. Wearing or displaying orange is a symbol of solidarity with those who survived residential schools and an act of remembrance for those who never made it home.
Orange shirts are available to purchase at the St. John’s campus bookstore (UC-2006, all proceeds will be donated to First Light).
Each Memorial campus has activities planned to recognize this important day, and all members of the university community are encouraged to participate.
St. John’s campus
Through the week of Sept. 23-27, tables will be set up with resources, guided reflection cards and buttons that visitors may take.
Tables will be set up in the locations listed below.
- QEII Library lobby
- Faculty of Business Administration, outside RBC Atrium
- University Centre
- Bruneau Centre atrium (first floor)
- Dining Hall, R. Gushue Hall
A series of smudge ceremonies will take place across five sites; everyone is encouraged to attend.
- Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 1 p.m. – Faculty of Business Administration, RBC Atrium
- Friday, Sept. 27, at 10 a.m. – QEII Library lobby
- Friday, Sept. 27, at 11 a.m. – Global Learning Centre (Internationalization Office), CA-2002
- Friday, Sept. 27, at 12 p.m. – Dining Hall mezzanine, R. Gushue Hall
- Friday, Sept. 27, at 2 p.m. – Bruneau Centre atrium (first floor)
The ceremony at the Bruneau Centre will include the lighting of the Kullik.

Following the ceremony in the Bruneau Centre, at 3 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 27, the Office of Indigenous Affairs and the Indigenous Student Resource Centre will host a commemorative walk to Juniper House.
Fisheries and Marine Institute
A table with resources and information will be located in the Marine Institute lobby starting Wednesday, Sept. 25, and a smudge ceremony will take place outside in the courtyard on Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 2:30 p.m.
The Marine Institute community will also be encouraged to participate in an engagement activity with small paper orange shirts.
Grenfell Campus
On Friday, Sept. 27, at 11 a.m., the Grenfell Campus community is invited to join the Indigenous Resource Centre and attend a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation event.

The event will begin with the raising of the Every Child Matters flag, followed by a commemorative walk with refreshments to follow. All are welcome to participate in this meaningful gathering of reflection, healing and solidarity. Every Child Matters buttons are available in the Indigenous Resource Centre, Arts and Science atrium.
On Saturday, Sept. 28, at 7 p.m., the Indigenous Resource Centre will be hosting a workshop at the Corner Brook Nuit Festival on West Street at the Majestic Lawn. The workshop will offer information on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action, along with the latest updates on the progress of the commitments. The workshop will feature an interactive installation of a community mural that visually represents the current status of the calls to action.
The Eighth Annual All-Nations Powwow will be hosted by the Indigenous Resource Centre in the Arts and Science atrium on Sunday, Sept. 29, beginning with an opening reception at 11 a.m. and a grand entry at 1 p.m.; the event concludes at 3 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend for a fun day of learning, community and kinship.
Labrador Campus
The Labrador Campus will share notice of community events for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, and encourage staff, students and faculty to participate and wear orange.
On Monday, Sept. 23, faculty, staff and students were invited to a session led by Heather Angnatok, program co-ordinator for the Aunties, Uncles and Elders Program and University of the Arctic fellow. Ms. Angnatok did a Kullik lighting, shared information about the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and led cultural craft-making.
The library has materials on display related to residential schools, the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
On Friday, Sept. 27, there will be a campus walk along the boardwalk in the historic region of Birch Island. Participants will be encouraged to have read or listened to the story of Orange Shirt Day, by Phyllis Webstad. The walk will be followed by a discussion in the outdoor classroom.
On Monday, Sept. 30, there will be a walk organized by the Nunatsiavut Government that begins at Labrador Campus. All staff, students and faculty are welcome to participate.
For additional information and resources, visit the Orange Shirt Day and National Day for Truth and Reconciliation web page.