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We remember

Memorial University community to gather for Ceremonies of Remembrance

By Memorial University

“To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.”

(from “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae)

For one hour each year, the Memorial University community joins the rest of the country in remembering those who have served or died during active service in the First World War and subsequent conflicts.

Ceremonies of Remembrance will be held on three campuses next week in advance of Remembrance Day.

Memorial’s administrative offices are closed. There are no classes on Monday, Nov. 11.

St. John’s campus will hold its ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 7, at 11 a.m. in the D.F. Cook Recital Hall, School of Music.

Anyone unable to join the ceremony in person may watch it live at mun.ca.

The Marine Institute will hold a wreath-laying ceremony at the Merchant Navy Memorial on Friday, Nov. 8, at 11 a.m. Tea and coffee in the main lobby will follow.

At Grenfell Campus, all are invited to an outdoor ceremony on Nov. 8 at 11 a.m. at the site of the Danger Tree Memorial. A reception will follow in the Forest Centre atrium.

Everyone is encouraged to attend and join us in remembrance.

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