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Message from VP (administration, finance and advancement)  

Restructuring the Office of the Chief Risk Officer 

Campus and Community

By Lisa Browne

In December 2023, the role of vice-president (advancement and external relations) was combined with the vice-president (administration and finance).

At that time, it was agreed that the president and vice-president (administration, finance and advancement) would work together to determine any long-term structural adjustments within the portfolio. Ultimately, the goal is to ensure the portfolio is as effective and efficient as possible while supporting Memorial’s operations.

Over the last number of months, I have been looking closely at all areas of the portfolio and have made some changes to various areas, including moving the pensions unit to report to the chief financial officer and initiating a data governance program.

An additional change is restructuring the Office of the Chief Risk Officer.

The work of the units within the Chief Risk Office—emergency management, health and safety, protective services and enterprise risk management—is critical to the university’s safe operations. In the coming weeks, careful consideration will be given to where these units best fit within the university structure, with input from the Chief Risk Office employees as well as a scan of best practices at other Canadian institutions.

There are no changes to how hazards or emergencies are reported within the Memorial community. Please continue to use MUN Safe, contact Campus Enforcement and Patrol or other units within the Chief Risk Office as usual. Emails can also be directed to cro@mun.ca.

As part of this restructuring, the position of chief risk officer has been eliminated. Greg McDougall came to Memorial University in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. His experience in risk and emergency management has benefitted Memorial. I am grateful for his contributions and thank him for his service.

This type of change can be stressful, even for individuals who are not directly impacted. Our Employee Assistance Program has confidential resources for faculty and staff who need support. Information about how to access services is available online.

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