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The glittering campus

Spring ice storm transforms Memorial

Campus and Community

An extended period of freezing rain last week left much of the St. John’s region encased in ice.

Photographer Richard Blenkinsopp trekked around the university grounds to snap some images of the glittering campus.


Courtyard facing the Music building

Photo: Richard Blenkinsopp


Music building in the background

Photo: Richard Blenkinsopp


Courtyard trees weighed down with ice

Photo: Richard Blenkinsopp


In a few short weeks, this will be green and vibrant.



Evergreen trees near the Chemistry-Physics building.

Photo: Richard Blenkinsopp


The ice is slowly melting on this evergreen tree.

Photo: Richard Blenkinsopp


A spidery ice exoskeleton.

Photo: Richard Blenkinsopp


Macro view of ice on a branch.

Photo: Richard Blenkinsopp


Looking towards the Southside hills from the Arts and Administration building.

Photo: Richard Blenkinsopp

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