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Mistress of the Blue Castle

Gender studies prof brings Phebe Florence Miller writing to life

Research | Books at Memorial

Phebe Florence Miller was a poet and postmistress who lived in Topsail, Newfoundland and Labrador from 1889–1979.

Despite her success as a poetic voice in the 1920s and ’30s, Miller is an obscure figure for today’s readers.

In this book, professor of gender studies Vicki Hallett brings Miller’s life and her contributions to Newfoundland and Labrador culture back into focus through the lens of her most personal writing.

Mercurial artist

Mistress of the Blue Castle is an evocative exploration of the ways that identity and place are created together through the diaries, journals, poems and letters that this mercurial artist left behind.

Mistress of the Blue Castle: The Writing Life of Phebe Florence Miller is published by ISER Books.

ISER Books is the publishing division of the Institute of Social and Economic Research in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.


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