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Afghan crisis

A message from the president

Campus and Community

By Dr. Vianne Timmons

As the world watches the situation in Afghanistan unfold, Memorial is affirming its commitment to international students, faculty and staff with ties to the country.

Memorial strongly supports the decision of the Canadian government to welcome 20,000 vulnerable Afghans threatened by the Taliban.

We are exploring scholarship support for resettled Afghan students, particularly women, and will provide further details as soon as they become available. Memorial will also waive application fees for resettled Afghans.

Our Internationalization Office is offering support to the Association of New Canadians as they plan for welcoming Afghan refugees into our community.

Newfoundland and Labrador is known for its hospitality, particularly towards those who are in crisis. Memorial stands ready to support Afghan students in need.

I encourage all members of our community to consider how they can help.

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