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Care and well-being

Put yourselves in the shoes of our Iranian students

Campus and Community

By Dr. Vianne Timmons

Earlier this week, I met with members of the Iranian Students’ Association here at Memorial.

They shared with me their fears for their family and friends. They talked about the stress they felt when the internet was down and they could not connect with their loved ones. They told me that they are unable to receive money from their families right now, as all monetary transactions are shut down.

As I listened to their worries and concerns, I heard the stress in their voices and saw the strain on their faces. I know when I am unable to contact a loved one, I get anxious and often that is all I can think about until I hear their voice or get their email. I can only imagine how it must be for them right now.

In our Strategic Plan Transforming our Horizons, we highlight care and well-being. This is a time for all of us to remember to listen to our students with empathy and do what we can to support them. I also recognize that it is not only our Iranian students, but other students who also need our compassion.

As I reflect on how amazing our faculty and staff were during the pandemic, I am reassured that we can support our students when they need us. Thank you for everything you do for the students who have chosen to be a part of Team Memorial.

I will end as I began, by referring back to Iran and the situation affecting our students. As I do, I need to remember Mahsa Amini: say her name!

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