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Climate strike

Global climate strike taking place Friday, Sept. 24

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

Tomorrow, Friday, Sept. 24, students and others worldwide will participate in the Global Climate Strike.

Memorial University’s leaders are supportive of the aims of this movement and encourage students and employees to consider participating in related local activities, such as the Fridays for Future St. John’s demonstration that will begin at the Memorial Tower on the St. John’s campus at 11:30 a.m. and run until 1 p.m.

Academic units and instructors are asked to be flexible in making alternate arrangements for previously scheduled activities, including rescheduling assessments and deadlines for assignments, and in adopting any other required forms of leniency for students who are absent from classes tomorrow so that they may freely participate in the global strike for climate action without academic repercussions.

Employees who wish to participate should consult as soon as possible with their supervisors. Supervisors should make reasonable accommodations while ensuring that critical operations are maintained, recognizing that there may be some circumstances where approval may not be appropriate if the absence will significantly impact important services.

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