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Coffee break

Faculty, staff invited to outdoor gathering to kick off fall semester

By Memorial University

There will be a university-wide coffee break on Wednesday, Sept. 1, from 10-11 a.m.

It will be hosted by President Vianne Timmons and will be a chance for faculty and staff to get together and connect with Memorial’s vice-presidents.

Long Pond green space

If weather permits, the coffee break will take place behind Queen’s College in the Long Pond green space.

A bird's eye illustrated view of the north side of campus adjacent to Long Pond.

If the weather is poor, it will take place on the south side of the Clinch Crescent parking garage, level 1, to allow for good ventilation.

Treats will be provided and there will be music and an opportunity to reconnect with your colleagues, most of whom have been working remotely since March 2020.

Both locations are accessible and there will be some parking available in both areas.

There will be a cash collection for the Campus Food Bank and the Emergency Student Fund, if anyone would like to offer support.

Hope to see you all then!

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