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Collaboration builder

Associate vice-president to strengthen MI research, partnerships

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

Memorial University’s Fisheries and Marine Institute has named Paul Brett as associate vice-president (research and strategic partnerships).

Mr. Brett’s appointment was approved by Memorial’s Board of Regents on July 8. He will assume his new position on Aug. 1, 2021.

“I’m delighted Mr. Brett will be leading the institute in support of our high-quality research activities while seeking new research and engagement opportunities and enhancing our important relationships with industry, academia, all levels of government and community organizations,” said Glenn Blackwood, vice-president, Memorial University (Marine Institute).

“His strong understanding of our research and development relationships and industry collaborations will be an essential part of growing our relationship between for our partners and the institute going forward.”

New focus

Mr. Brett will report directly to the vice-president, Memorial University (Marine Institute) and will be a part of the institute’s senior management team responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive research strategy for the institute.

He will also strengthen stakeholder partnerships with industry and all levels of government through business development, marketing and communications, internationalization, and alumni development and engagement.

He says he is excited to take on his new role at Memorial.

“Supporting our research activity in the ocean and strengthening our relationships with key stakeholders is so important to the growth of the institute, Memorial and the province. I believe in the Marine Institute of Memorial University and its potential, over the next decade and beyond, to shine stronger than it has ever shone before.”

Proven leadership

Mr. Brett has an extensive and distinguished career as an educator, administrator, student mentor and GIS/remote sensing specialist since joining Memorial in 1994. He joined the Marine institute in 2002 as an instructor.

As current school head of the institute’s School of Ocean Technology, Mr. Brett has facilitated the growth and expansion of the school through new undergraduate and graduate program development and delivery, international accreditation and establishment of the institute’s first Canada Research Chair in Ocean Mapping.

He also leads the institute’s SmartBay Ocean Observation initiative, in co-operation with Oceans Networks Canada, and SmartBay Holyrood, the institute’s ocean technology testing and development environment, currently under development at the Holyrood Marine Base.

He has global industry experience as a member of Oceans Advance and Ocean Learning Partnership boards and as a founding member and past chair of the Canadian Ocean Mapping Research and Education Network. He is also a member of the National Council of Deans of Apprenticeship, Trades and Technology.

Mr. Brett has also facilitated annual provincial underwater robotics competitions and mentored the 2016 international MATE Remotely Operated Vehicles Competition champions from Memorial University.

He applied his ocean mapping experience on several research missions, including with the University of Rhode Island on the research vessel, Endeavour, the University of Limerick and the Irish Marine Institute aboard the research vessel, Celtic Explorer and with the Institute for Exploration on the research vessel, Nautilus. Mr. Brett also has significant experience in Canada’s Arctic as one of the architects of a Coastal Resource Inventory for Nunavut.

Mr. Brett holds several degrees from Memorial, including a bachelor of science (physics), a bachelor of science (honours, geography), a bachelor of education (post-secondary), and a master of science (geography). He is currently completing a doctorate of education (educational leadership) at Western University.  He is also a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.

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