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Committee members selected

Update on the presidential search 2024

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

On the recommendation of the Executive and Governance Committee of the Board of Regents, the full board ratified the membership of the Presidential Search Committee on Feb. 28.

The membership of the search committee was determined after nominations were received from the various groups invited to put forward potential members as outlined in the Structure and Terms of Reference approved by the Board in December 2023, in accordance with the Presidential Search, Selection and Appointment Policy of the Board of Regents.

Additionally, a call for expressions of interest from members of the public was issued in January; 37 people submitted their names for consideration. Alex Gibson, immediate past chair of the St. John’s Board of Trade and human resources professional, was selected from among that group as the public representative.

“With the committee membership finalized, the next step in the process is for the group to meet to decide on the engagement of a search consultant, a plan for community consultations and the development of position profile,” said Board Chair Glenn Barnes. “I am confident that this committee is well positioned to take on this important work over the coming months.”

 Members of the search committee and the basis for their appointment as outlined in the Membership and Terms of Reference:

The chair of the Board as chair of the committee:

  • Glenn Barnes

Four other Board members, to be chosen by the chair (and Executive and Governance Committee):

  • Michelle Baikie
  • Justin Ladha
  • Andrew Mercer
  • Tim Powers

Four members of the faculty, chosen by the Senate, with one member from each of the St. John’s campus, Grenfell Campus, Labrador Campus and the Marine Institute:

  • Dr. Lourdes Peña-Castillo, St. John’s campus
  • Cyr Couturier, Marine Institute
  • Dr. Johnathan Pope, Grenfell Campus
  • Dr. Sylvia Moore, Labrador Campus

Four students to be chosen by them from each of the respective unions as follows:

  • John Harris, Memorial University of Newfoundland Students’ Union
  • Jasmine Burt, Marine Institute Students’ Union
  • Shaheen Shah, Graduate Students’ Union
  • Vicky Quao, Grenfell Campus Students’ Union

An academic administrator, chosen by them from among themselves:

  • Dr. Natasha Hurley, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

A non-academic administrator, chosen by them from among themselves:

  • Greg McDougall, chief risk officer

One member of the public-at-large, chosen by the chair (and Executive and Governance Committee):

  • Alex Gibson

The secretary of the Board will serve as secretary of the Presidential Search Committee and the executive director, Office of the Board of Regents, will provide advice to and support the work of the Presidential Search Committee.

For more information, visit the Presidential Search Committee webpage.

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