Sept. 18-22 is Consent Awareness Week.
During Consent Awareness Week, everyone is encouraged to have thoughtful conversations on the subject of consent. Consent Awareness Week follows Sexual Violence Awareness Week, which this year was Sept. 10-16.
Memorial’s Sexual Harassment Office, under the direction of Amnesty Rose, Memorial’s sexual harassment advisor, is working to raise awareness of both subjects and to ensure members of the university community are aware of the resources available.
According to Mx. Rose, the Sexual Harassment Office is offering various educational resources and sessions.
“Our team is offering in-person and online sessions for sexual violence awareness and consent education. This year we have updated and expanded the availability of the university’s online sexual violence awareness and prevention education module and we are offering in-person consent education training sessions,” said Mx. Rose. “I encourage students to complete the updated training and for members of the university community to consider attending a consent session.”
Sexual violence awareness and prevention training
Memorial’s sexual violence awareness and prevention training module was launched in 2022 as a mandatory training session for new Memorial undergraduate and graduate students and certificate and diploma students at the Marine Institute.

This year, the training is being expanded to returning students, who, if interested, can now register for the course.
To access the self-directed module in Brightspace, returning students need to register for the course in Self Service through the portal.
Consent education
In addition to the updated education module, consent education is taking place on both the St. John’s and Grenfell campuses.
On Thursday, Sept. 21, the Journey Project is joining a representative of the Sexual Harassment Office on the Grenfell Campus to discuss consent. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to stop by the atrium to learn about the Sexual Harassment Office’s services, supports and programs, as well as the services provided by the Journey Project.
On Friday, Sept. 22, from 12:30-2 p.m., representatives of the Sexual Harassment Office on the St. John’s campus are holding a consent education session for faculty and staff. Objectives of this session include defining sexual violence and consent; exploring the concept of boundaries; introducing power and consent; and recognizing that everyone has a role in creating a healthy and safe campus community. Registration is required for this session. To register, please visit here.
Sexual Harassment Office staff on both the St. John’s and Grenfell campuses are also working with student volunteers on a new program called Students Together Offer Prevention (STOP).
“Staff in our office are excited to partner with student volunteers this year to enhance awareness and prevention efforts at Memorial,” said Mx. Rose. “Over the coming weeks, STOP volunteers will be around the university with posters and displays. Later in the year, they will provide education sessions to other students on consent and bystander intervention.”
STOP volunteers attended a two-day education program in August. These volunteers have committed to provide 40 hours of service over two semesters.
Sexual Harassment Office
The Sexual Harassment Office serves all students, faculty and staff of Memorial with personnel on both the St. John’s and Grenfell campuses.
For more information on the Sexual Harassment Office, please visit here. Information on the Journey Project can be found here.