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COVID-19 update: March 27

Update on Feild Hall residence, research and the Writing Centre

Campus and Community

3 p.m.

Feild Hall residence

The health and safety of our students is our primary concern during these unprecedented times. In consultation with Memorial University, The Graduate Students’ Union (GSU) has given notice to Feild Hall residents notice to vacate the building. This decision was made based on health and safety considerations. Memorial has made an offer to relocate students to another residence, MacPherson Hall. The university is providing each of the residents a room at a discounted rate so that they will pay no additional rent. As well, the university will provide the students, at a discounted rate, access to the university meal plan. This will enable residents to practice proper social distancing, and if necessary, self-isolation. Read more here.

On-campus research and scholarly activities, fieldwork and interaction with research participants

Memorial is working diligently to provide the support and guidance needed by our researchers and graduate students. We continue to look for ways to support our researchers, recognizing that individuals in our research community face unique professional and personal challenges given each persons’ individual circumstances.

The Office of the Vice-President (Research) has developed a process for deans to request, on behalf of researchers, access to specific rooms on campus for research and scholarly activities that are related to:

  • critical COVID-19 research;
  • essential clinical studies; or
  • critical continuity activities related to research and scholarly activities that cannot be paused for a number of months.

Researchers at the Marine Institute should contact their school head in the first instance.

The suspension of all fieldwork and in-person interactions with research participants remains in effect. Read more here.

Writing Centre available remotely

An online tutoring service is available from the Writing Centre during the remote delivery of classes. For information on this service and to submit their work, students can go to the Writing Centre’s website. Please note that there may be a minimum 48-hour delay (2 business days) until a tutor is available. A list of resources to help with their writing is also available online. For further information, please send an email to writing@mun.ca.

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