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Draft strategic plan

University community asked to review, provide feedback

Campus and Community

A draft of Memorial University’s strategic plan, tentatively titled A Beating Heart for Newfoundland and Labrador, is being released today for feedback from the university community.

“This draft represents the input of 1,200 participants in 60 consultation sessions,” said Dr. Ian Sutherland, co-chair of the strategic planning process. “We are extremely pleased with the engagement we saw throughout this process and are looking forward to hearing feedback on the draft plan.”

The plan, and accompanying presentation, are now available on the strategic planning website.

‘Time, passion and expertise’

Emily Wooley, who also co-chaired the process, credited the volunteer facilitation team for their hard work throughout this project.

“The members of our facilitation team shared their time, expertise and passion for Memorial throughout the strategic planning process and the draft plan is stronger because of their meaningful engagement and thoughtful analysis,” she said. “As a team, we feel the draft strategic plan highlights key priorities and enabling cultures that will shape Memorial well into the future.”


The guiding vision for the draft plan is one where Memorial contributes by being a beating heart for Newfoundland and Labrador, contributing to a socially resilient, economically prosperous, culturally vibrant, inclusive and sustainable province.

This means that Memorial must act collectively, to be:

  • A university for the province, playing a leading role in Newfoundland and Labrador’s future
  • A university for the world, engaging globally and acting locally. Bringing the world to the province, and the province to the world
  • A university for our future, being an engine of innovation and creativity inventing resilient, sustainable, vibrant and inclusive tomorrows

Place and people

The specific focus of the plan centers on people and place – what the committee heard from students, faculty, staff, alumni, industry and employers as Memorial’s greatest strengths.

The plan identifies five strategic themes, with Memorial as a place for:

  • Proactive programs: global citizens for tomorrow’s needs
  • Inspired learning: vibrant in-person, enriched online focus
  • Dynamic research: global reach and local relevance
  • Commitment to communities: engaging others in all we do
  • Promotion and pride: our excellence and achievements boldly shared

The plan also recognizes that the people of Memorial – students, faculty, staff and alumni – enable success through their collective actions and behaviours. As such, the draft highlights six aspirational cultures to focus on in the upcoming years:

  • Team Memorial: a culture of collaboration, cohesion and alignment
  • Inclusion and equity: where we strive to be a place where all people are accepted
  • Service: where students are central and we listen and respond to those we serve
  • Innovation: where we work nimbly, boldly and ambitiously
  • Care and well-being: where we support each other, helping us all thrive
  • Achievement: where we acknowledge that focused commitment is required

Next steps

Feedback on the draft can be submitted in writing to strategicplanning@mun.ca or shared with a Senate representative.

The plan will go to Senate for endorsement before being shared with the Board of Regents for ratification in early May. The title of the plan has not been finalized and suggestions for a new title are also welcome.

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