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Education Accord NL

Provincial government to undertake development of a 10-year accord

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador today announced the creation of Education Accord NL to be co-chaired by two Memorial University faculty members.

Drs. Anne Burke and Karen Goodnough from the Faculty of Education will co-chair the development of the 10-year education accord.

According to the government news release, Education Accord NL will focus on four pillars: early learning and childhood development; education engagement and transformation; health and well-being in education environments; and post-secondary education and learning across the life span.

The process will include consultations.

“Memorial University plays an important and unique role as a partner in this province’s education ecosystem through our comprehensive offerings to all students and specifically in educating teachers who are thought leaders throughout the broader system,” said President Neil Bose. “The expertise of Drs. Burke and Goodnough will provide significant value to the process and I congratulate them on their appointments.”

Memorial looks forward to being fully engaged as an institution in the process of developing Education Accord NL, added Dr. Bose.

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