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Efficacy and effectiveness

Senate governance review set to begin, community participation encouraged

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

Like many other academic institutions, Memorial University operates under a bicameral governance model.

This means the university is led by two governing bodies, the Board of Regents and the Senate.

To ensure that the Senate is in alignment with governance best practice and that policies, procedures, and resources are in place to achieve the objectives set out in Memorial’s strategic plan, a Senate governance review is set to begin.

At a meeting held on May 10, 2022, the Executive Committee of Senate agreed to commence work on the review and to strike an ad-hoc committee to guide the process. The role of the Ad-hoc Senate Governance Review Committee will be to lead the review of the Memorial University Senate, the accompanying university community consultations and the resulting recommendations.

“Effective governance is critical as we work towards the goals of our strategic plan,” said Dr. Vianne Timmons, president and vice-chancellor. “I encourage all faculty and students to participate in this review over the coming months. Memorial is your university and your engagement will help us continue to improve our structures and systems.”

The committee will undertake a broad review of the structure and foundational elements of the Senate, which will include, but is not limited to, determining the precise scope of the review; preparing a detailed work-plan with a timeline of deliverables; and establishing an engagement framework to ensure the reflection of diverse views and perspectives of the university community.

Additionally, the review will consider ways to make the governing body more efficient and effective within Memorial’s bicameral governance structure.

This work will require both a dedicated group to lead the process in the form of a committee, along with participation and engagement from the entire university community in order to culminate in recommendations that best reflect the Memorial community.

If you are interested in serving on the committee, or wish to recommend someone who you feel would be interested in contributing, please contact the office of the Senate by July 29, 2022.

Ideal candidates for the committee should have interest, experience, understanding and a willingness to expand their knowledge of university governance functions and capacity to commit to various activities, including attending regular (bi-weekly minimum) meetings; reviewing materials and research posted to the committee Brightspace portal; participating in the design and delivery of engagement and outreach activities such as focus groups and/or town halls, surveys, etc.; and provide meaningful contributions that advance the deliverables of the review.


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