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Employee town hall

Employees invited to town hall with senior leaders on Tuesday, Sept. 7

Campus and Community

By Ryan Howell

President Vianne Timmons and senior leaders will host a town hall for faculty and staff on Tuesday, Sept. 7, at 12:30 p.m.

The virtual session is an opportunity for senior leaders to check in with employees about returning to campus, starting the fall semester and to introduce new leaders to the university community. Employees will have the opportunity to ask questions.

Dr. Timmons will be joined by Dr. Florentine Strzelczyk, provost and vice-president (academic); Catharyn Andersen, vice-president (Indigenous); Dr. Neil Bose, vice-president (research); Lisa Browne, vice-president (advancement and external relations); Kent Decker, vice-president (administration and finance); Dr. Rob Shea, vice-president (Marine Institute); and Dr. Ian Sutherland, vice-president (Grenfell Campus).

All employees on all campuses are invited to attend.

How to join

Employees and retirees who would like to attend should visit here and enroll in the course called Employee Town Hall.

The link, which requires your MUN login, will automatically enrol you and take you to the course within Brightspace. This can be done at any time between now and the start of the event.

On Tuesday, Sept. 7, return to Brightspace prior to the 12:30 p.m. start time to join the event.

There will be two options for joining the town hall: a WebEx link that will allow you to ask questions and join the conversation, or a view-only YouTube link for those who wish to watch the event but not actively participate.

Please note the WebEx event is limited to 1,000 participants. If that number is reached, all additional attendees will be directed to the YouTube view-only stream.

Multiple ways to participate

There are a number of ways to join the conversation.

Questions or comments can be submitted in advance to president@mun.ca with the subject line “employee town hall,” or live during the event using the WebEx question and answer feature.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to appear on screen to share their perspective if they wish.

During the event, attendees can let the moderator know they’d like to speak and time permitting, their status will be changed from audience member to presenter while they speak to Dr. Timmons or other senior leaders.

To avail of this option, attendees must have their audio and video turned on. In the interest of time and respect of other participants, we ask that anyone who comes on screen keeps their remarks brief.

The event will be recorded and shared with the university community at a later date.

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