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Expressions of sympathy

Supports for Memorial community in wake of Orlando shootings

Campus and Community

By Dr. Noreen Golfman

On behalf of the entire Memorial University community, we send expressions of sympathy to the families of those killed at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Fla., on Saturday, June 11.

We also send sincere wishes of support for those who were injured and those who endured and survived this unprovoked hatred and violence.

While we are more than 4,400 kilometres away from the scene, our hearts also go out to those who still await word on whether their loved ones are among the dead or injured.

Memorial University strives to create a supportive, inclusive and harassment-free environment so that all individuals can thrive, and we recognize that Memorial’s LGBTQ community, in particular, is feeling the impact of the Orlando shootings.

We have services in place that employees and students should feel free to avail of to get the support they need as they deal with the aftermath of this tragedy.

Employees should contact the Employee Assistance Program.

Students are encouraged to contact the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre.

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