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Eye for detail

Deadline Jan. 24 for national Science Exposed contest

Campus and Community

By Jeff Green

Researchers, students and staff looking to highlight new perspectives on scientific research can enter a contest for a chance to win cash prizes.

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) has launched the latest edition of Science Exposed. The contest is a collaboration with Acfas.

Individuals and groups can enter, showcasing scientific research that must be directly related to and created in the context of the contestant’s research. All types of image technologies may be used. Eligibility criteria for images is available online.

Prizes include $2,000 in cash. Full contest rules are available here.

The goal of Science Exposed is to help foster a science culture in Canada by capturing vibrant research images that showcase the work of our talented research community.

These images will help the Canadian population better understand and see, through the same lens as our scientists and engineers, the work that is being done behind the scenes.

Members of the Memorial community are encouraged to promote the contest among their networks. Promotional materials can be downloaded from the Science Exposed Promotional Tool Kit.

More details about the contest can be founded on NSERC’s Twitter feed and the #ScienceExposed.

The deadline for entries is Jan. 24, 2022.

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