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Far-reaching support

TD donation for Indigenous programming, resources across Atlantic Canada

Campus and Community

By Lisa Pendergast

Memorial University joined several other Atlantic Canada post-secondary institutions today in a chorus of thanks to TD Bank Group.

Memorial thanked TD Bank Group at a small luncheon on the St. John’s campus on June 20. From left are Catharyn Andersen, TD Bank district VP Chris Muir, Memorial students Hilary Edmunds and Justin Tobin, and Dr. Kachanoski.
Photo: Rich Blenkinsopp

At an event hosted by Mount St. Vincent University in Halifax, TD Bank Group announced $1.2 million in donations that include contributions to Mount Saint Vincent University, Acadia University and Memorial University.

The gift is broadly designated to fund strategic Indigenous initiatives that will enhance educational experiences for students at these institutions. Memorial University will receive $500,000 of the total contribution.

“As part of Memorial’s Indigenization strategy, we are working on a long-term plan to better support current and future Indigenous students at Memorial University and across Newfoundland and Labrador,” said President Gary Kachanoski.

“These efforts are centred on developing and enhancing student programs and establishing a new, dedicated space for Indigenous students, one that will be a focal point for Indigenous learning, cultural activity and research. TD’s generous gift is an important early step forward in our fundraising efforts for these initiatives.”

Front row, left to right, are Veronica Madsen (Memorial), Patrick Small Legs-Nagge (MSVU) and Jennifer Auld (TD). Back, left to right, are Samantha Rioux (student, MSVU), Dr. Mary Bluechardt (MSVU) and Dr. Jeff Hennessey (Acadia).
Photo: Submitted

Immediate impact

Catharyn Andersen is the special advisor to the president on Aboriginal affairs.

She reiterated the message of appreciation for TD and also noted that while the new space being envisioned for Memorial is on a longer timeline, plans to enhance student programming are already underway.

“This gift from TD will impact Indigenous students at Memorial almost immediately,” she said.

“It will help us offer programs and supports to more students, and in a more comprehensive way, which strengthens the connections between the university and Indigenous students and communities. Ensuring resources are available to foster a culturally safe environment that also addresses academic needs is important. We know that Indigenous student success is directly connected to these resources.”

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