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Filling the shelves

Campus Food Bank's pantry well stocked from generous food donations

Campus and Community

Another successful 12 Days of Giving Food Drive took place on the St. John’s campus recently.

From June 7-22 Memorial University’s Campus Food Bank issued a call for desperately needed items such as rice, cooking oil, canned milk, juice, soup and canned tomatoes.

This year, almost 3,600 food items were collected, as well as $550 from 25 groups across campus.

Each year, there are two friendly competitions: the amount of food collected and the most food per capita.

This year the biggest donors were perennial winners Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science; followed by CITL, (formerly DELTS); Faculty of Education in third place; Faculty Relations coming in fourth; and Student Residences taking fifth place.

The biggest per capita donors were Faculty Relations; Queen Elizabeth II Library-Library Information Technology Services; Department of Ocean Sciences, Faculty of Science; School of Pharmacy; and the Math Learning Centre.

Well done, Memorial!

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