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Flag protocol

Board approves revised Flags Policy and Procedures at Memorial

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

Following a university-wide consultation and review process, Memorial’s Board of Regents approved a newly revised Flags Policy and Procedures at its Dec. 8, 2017, meeting.

The revised policy is now available on the policy website. Additional information can be found on the Marketing & Communications website.

Courtesy flags

Notable changes include clearer procedures for half-masting and displaying flags on the university’s campuses; expansion of those recognized in death by half-masting flags to include current part-time students and current part-time employees; designation of the official flags on  Memorial’s campuses as Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Memorial University, reserving the Great Britain/Union Jack flag for display on commemorative occasions such as July 1 and Nov. 11; and designation of “courtesy flag” poles to carry flags in addition to the university’s official flags.

A flag bearing the university logo will be displayed on the courtesy flag poles between special periods of recognition when other approved flags are flown. The policy and procedures also now include two online forms to provide ease of requesting flags services.

Have a flag request?

Anyone who wishes to make a flag request is encouraged to use the following forms:

To advise of deaths in the university community for the half-masting of flags

To request to display a flag during a special period of recognition

Should you have any questions regarding the revised Flags Policy and Procedures, please contact Marketing & Communications via email or by telephone at 709-864-8664.

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