Pride Week begins in St. John’s today and this morning I was proud to raise the Inclusive/Progressive Pride flag on the St. John’s campus, together with some of Memorial’s vice-presidents.

1/ Greeting the crowd
Dr. Timmons speaks to the audience at the Inclusive/Progressive Pride flag ceremony in front of the Arts building on the St. John's campus.

2/ Treats!
Sandy Woolfrey-Fahey, senior communications advisor in the Office of the Vice-President (Administration and Finance), baked special Pride-themed rainbow cupcakes for everyone in attendance.

3/ Yum
A young boy enjoys his cupcake.

4/ Standing in solidarity
Dr. Timmons and vice-presidents, from left, Dr. Ian Sutherland, Dr. Mark Abrahams, Catharyn Andersen and Kent Decker, get ready to raise the flag with the assistance of Campus Enforcement and Patrol officer Mike Parrott.

5/ Raising the flag
On its way up the flagpole.

6/ Happy Pride!
The Inclusive/Progressive Pride flag flies atop the flagpole.
Memorial University of Newfoundland Students’ Union decided not to participate with the university at the event this year, in protest of changes to undergraduate tuition. I respect their decision and wish MUNSU and all students Happy Pride Week.
Memorial plays an essential role in the city of St. John’s and this entire province in offering a welcoming atmosphere for all people.
It is the responsibility of all of us to ensure our community is supportive, inclusive and respectful of all people of all races, colours, religions and sexual orientations.
And I promise as president of Memorial, I will continue to do everything in my power to ensure our university is a strong, safe, welcoming and inclusive university.
I always say you should surround yourself with people who lift you up. But you must also lift up others, including those of the LGBTQ community.
So let’s join together – maybe a little closer than last year as pandemic restrictions ease – and have a great 2021 Pride Week.
Watch the video below to hear more from President Timmons about the importance of celebrating Pride and recognizing there is still work to be done to create an inclusive and safe environment for all.