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Food drive

12 Days of Giving summertime food drive another success

Campus and Community

By Mandy Cook

Members of the Memorial community opened up their hearts and their pantries again this year.

From June 12-28, the 12 Days of Giving summertime food drive resulted in more than 2,500 food items from 22 departments being collected for the Campus Food Bank’s shelves.

While the number of participating departments was down from last year’s 25 and the total food count was down by 30 per cent, $700 in cash was also collected. And, cash donations have also started coming in by payroll deduction.

Two categories

Each year during the food drive there are two friendly competitions: the amount of food collected and the most food per capita.

Tops in total points is the always strong contender CITL; followed by the just as competitive Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science; then Facilities Management; Aquatic staff/The Works; and the Queen Elizabeth II Library.

Coffee break

The winner in the points per capita category is the Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science (no surprise there); followed by the Department of Ocean Sciences, Faculty of Science; then Faculty Relations; CITL; and the School of Pharmacy.

As in previous years, the department with the most food items and the department with the most food donated per participant receives a coffee break prize.

The Campus Food Bank greatly appreciates the Memorial community’s generosity. It’s a great help towards keeping the shelves stocked through the summer, a time when clients still need to be served but when donations are traditionally low.

Way to go, Memorial!

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