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From the president

Dr. Vianne Timmons' video update of first 30 days in role

Campus and Community

In a video marking her first 30 days in the role of president and vice-chancellor at Memorial University, Dr. Vianne Timmons quotes American writer Edwin Way Teale.

“The world’s favourite season is May. All things seem possible in May.”

She also personally thanks Dr. Noreen Golfman, who concluded her administrative responsibilities as provost and vice-president (academic) at Memorial last month. In addition to highlighting some of Dr. Golfman’s notable achievements in the role and as the former dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Dr. Timmons says she “leaves a legacy.”

Dr. Timmons takes the opportunity to welcome Dr. Mark Abrahams as interim provost and vice-president (academic) effective today, May 1. She notes Dr. Abrahams’ significant role as co-incident commander in the university’s Emergency Operations Centre during the COVID-19 response and that he is a “passionate biologist.”

And for her colleagues and students, the president has an uplifting message.

“We made it through April. We will make it through May.”

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