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‘Great memories’

President Timmons to receive honorary degree from Acadia University

Campus and Community

By Memorial University

President Vianne Timmons is a member of Acadia University’s Class of 2022.

She will receive the degree of doctor of humanities honoris causa at Acadia’s convocation next week, in recognition of her lifetime achievements and commitment to excellence.

Dr. Timmons is an Acadia alumna, receiving a bachelor of education degree in 1980. She says she is delighted to return to her alma mater.

“I was thrilled when I learned I’d be receiving an honorary degree,” said Dr. Timmons. “I have some great memories of my time there and to be reconnected in this way after so many years is a real treat.”

The theme for Dr. Timmons’ address to graduates is “Lessons my family taught me” – appropriate given her mother, daughter and grand-daughter will be there to cheer her on.

The ceremony takes place on Monday, May 9, at 2:30 p.m. and can be viewed here.

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