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Health Improvement Program

Successful employee wellness initiative

Campus and Community

By Sawah Danniels

As the fall 2015 semester came to a close, so too did the Health Improvement Program (HIP) run by Employee Wellness, Human Resources in collaboration with The Works.

“We had a successful offering of the HIP this fall with the participation of 55 employees and six retirees in the program. I am very pleased with the interest in the program and the results that participants reported. As a result we are offering the program again this winter and are accepting applications until Jan. 13, 2016,” said Kathleen Wall, wellness consultant with the Department of Human Resources.

HIP co-ordinators Jeremy Coles and Kathleen Wall prepare to lead HIP class
HIP co-ordinators Jeremy Coles and Kathleen Wall prepare to lead class.
Photo: Chris Hammond

HIP was developed to encourage and guide participants to lead a healthy and active lifestyle. This 12-week hands-on program endeavoured to develop cardiovascular health, promote muscle tone, increase muscular endurance, improve body composition and develop greater overall general wellness. This was all done while tracking individual progress with fitness and clinical assessments.

Of the people that completed both the initial and final assessments, 98 pounds were lost and 162.7 inches. Ninety per cent of the participants agreed that the program had an impact on their wellness goals, 88 per cent agreed or somewhat agreed that they have increased their physical activity level because of this program, while 69 per cent have increased energy levels, 52 per cent are sleeping better, and 25 per cent agree or somewhat agree that they have developed a greater understanding of the benefits of choosing better food choices.

Congratulations to all of the participants and a sincere thank you to the HR Leadership team and The Works for supporting and running the program.

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