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Hurricane Fiona

Supports available for Memorial community

Campus and Community

Hurricane Fiona has had devastating impact on people, communities and infrastructure in Atlantic Canada, particularly in Port aux Basques and coastal communities on the southwest coast of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Memorial recognizes that students, faculty and staff may be personally impacted by the hurricane and experiencing stress and anxiety. Work is ongoing to establish specific supports for impacted members of the Memorial community on all campuses. More information on those resources will be forthcoming.

The Student Wellness and Counselling Centre website offers a number of online and phone-based community mental health and wellness supports for students on all campuses. See here for more information. Additional support services for students at Grenfell can be found at Counselling and Psychology Services.

Faculty and staff can avail of the Employee Assistance Program. It is available 24 hours a day and information about how to access services is available online.

Memorial offers sincere appreciation to first responders and all those who are working to help their communities.

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