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Inclusion-focused mentoring

Memorial participating in annual Disabilities Mentoring Day

Campus and Community

By Melissa Watton

For the third year in a row, Memorial is collaborating with InclusionNL by participating in Dolphin Disabilities Mentoring Day (DMD).

DMD is a day focused on removing barriers to employment for people with disabilities. This year, DMD is taking place on Oct. 30. Individuals interested in mentoring need to complete the online registration form by Oct. 2.

According to Tina Hickey, Memorial’s employment equity officer, the day provides learning opportunities for everyone involved.

“The pairing of mentors at Memorial with mentees with similar interests is a win-win,” she said. “It provides mentees with an introduction to a potential career path while mentors have the opportunity to meet potential job candidates and gain a perspective on accessibility within their unit.”


Erin Manning, manager of finance and administration in the Division of Marketing and Communications, was a mentor last year.

“Participating in DMD was a wonderful experience,” she said. “I was given the opportunity to share my knowledge and network with someone who had not previously worked in a university environment, or finance and administration.

“My mentee made me more conscious of not only our physical environments and the barriers they pose, but also sensory issues and the accommodations necessary to ensure our workplaces are truly accessible for everyone,” she continued. “To anyone who has the opportunity, I cannot encourage you enough to participate in this program.”

Mentors need to have the time to share information about their position and the skills necessary for the role. Mentors also need to be good communicators who are open to answering questions.

Inclusion programs

The university also participates in the Discover Talent job shadowing program.

Developed through a collaboration of Career Development and the Blundon Centre, Discover Talent provides students who self-identify with having a disability the opportunity to explore career options, develop transferable skills and build a professional network.

Employers in the program learn how they can play a role in creating an equitable workforce in our community.

InclusionNL is a community partner in DMD. Founded in 2011, DMD offers experiential learning opportunities for employers, their employees and individuals interested in furthering their employment goals.

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