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Leadership change

Dr. Noreen Golfman to step down as provost and vice-president academic

Campus and Community

Dr. Noreen Golfman is stepping down as provost and vice-president (academic) on April 30, 2020.

She has served in the role of provost since 2014.

President Gary Kachanoski called Dr. Golfman’s service to Memorial University “exceptional.”

“Dr. Golfman has played an integral leadership role at Memorial for more than two decades. I thank her for her leadership and tireless service,” he said.

“During her five years as provost and vice-president (academic), she has led a new budget consultations and planning process for the institution during some particularly challenging fiscal circumstances, always putting the integrity of academic programming at the forefront of discussions and decisions.”

Senior academic leadership roles

Dr. Golfman first joined Memorial in 1984 as a faculty member with the Department of English.

Since 2001 she has served in a number of senior academic leadership roles, including dean, interim dean, associate dean and acting associate dean all within the School of Graduate Studies (SGS).

During her tenure with SGS, the number of graduate students doubled while the breadth and depth of graduate programming increased and Memorial transformed its approach to graduate enrolment management.

Dr. Golfman’s contributions to Memorial will be publicly recognized at a later date. More information on this will be shared as it becomes available.

Following administrative leave, Dr. Golfman will return to her position as professor in the Department of English.

In consultation with Dr. Vianne Timmons, president designate, Dr. Kachanoski has begun a process to identify an interim provost and vice-president (academic). That process will include consultations with Vice-Presidents Council and Deans Council and approval by the Board of Regents. More information will be shared when it is available.

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