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Leadership update

Work progresses to fill vacant positions

Campus and Community

By Dr. Neil Bose

Since taking on the role of president in April 2023, I have prioritized searches for positions that are currently filled in an interim or acting capacity.

I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge, with deep appreciation, the members of our community who are serving in interim roles for their leadership and commitment to Memorial.

I also thank everyone who has put their name forward to serve on a search committee. The perspectives and expertise you bring to these committees are essential as we seek the right leaders for Memorial’s future.

The search for the next provost and vice-president (academic) is underway, with support from the senior leadership recruitment unit within Memorial’s Department of Human Resources.

Multiple consultation sessions are being held throughout March. An online survey is open until March 28 to inform the candidate profile for the position.

The Board of Regents has approved the extension of Dr. Jennifer Lokash’s current appointment as provost and vice-president (academic) pro tempore until April 4, 2025, or until the appointment of a permanent provost and vice-president (academic).

A search committee has been established to begin the process of selecting the next vice-president (Marine Institute). The full committee membership is available on the Office of the President’s website. There will be opportunities for the university community to provide input to the committee at various stages throughout the search process.

The process to appoint an interim vice-president (Grenfell Campus) is well underway. An advisory committee of Grenfell representatives will inform the appointment decision. An announcement of the interim vice-president is anticipated the week of April 1.

The initial work has begun to strike a search committee for the next vice-president (Grenfell Campus).

At the decanal level, searches for seven deans are currently underway, led by the provost and vice-president (academic).

As a reminder, the search for Memorial’s president is led by the Board of Regents. The search committee members have been selected and information will continue to be shared with the university community as the work unfolds.

We have also made progress in filling positions.

In the months since September, Lisa Browne has been appointed as vice-president (administration, finance and advancement); Dr. Amy Warren as the associate vice president (academic) and dean of graduate studies; Dr. Pamela Osmond-Johnson, dean of the Faculty of Education; and Dr. Anne Marie Sullivan, dean of the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation. Earlier this month, Alison Randall was appointed as chief information officer.

I will continue to provide updates to the university community as this important work continues.

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